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Date Setting and High Watch Times

I have struggled with posting this blog for a while now. I knew that many people, should I vocalize my biblical opinion, would leave my YouTube and Rumble channels. In my flesh, I was like, oh no. I cannot have that. However, the Holy Spirit gave me a strong dose of conviction. He reminded me of Galatians 1:10.  For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ. I am a bondservant of Christ. His slave. Therefore I do what He wants. I am finally " coming out ", and I could not be more at peace. God leads by peace. God also gives courage. I am leaning into that courage. It is challenging to stand against the very thing tens of thousands of people follow. Sincere they may be, however, they are deceived. They have joined forces with these YouTubers who continually pull news headlines into the bible and forcefully try to make it all fit. They give you the Jewish "f...
Recent posts

12-21-22 Maybe Today

We all seem to pass right by the first four verses in Luke. We get to the part when our savior, Jesus was born but have you taken time to study out the first four verses? This part seems to be omitted when telling the CHRIST mas story, or as we pagans say, the birth of Christ.  Why do we, as followers of Christ, believe that a sinless man came to earth and that His sole purpose was to die on a cross for all the sins of the world. Luke 1:1-4 Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus; so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught . WOW!! Did you catch it? As Luke penned this to Theophilus, Luke also explained to him that h...

11/30/22 - Maybe Today

If God dealt with false teachers and false prophets like He did in the Old Testament, this nonsense would not continue to grow and fester like a canker sore.  As you all know, I do not write daily only when I feel a nudge from the Holy Spirit to do so.  Today I want GOD to speak.  May you understand one very important thing. God called them a "prophet" in Scriptures, however, it's by title only and most are NOT sent from God.  Not only in our current day, but since times past, and extending into the future, this false  title will continue to be used for them. They will continue to peddle their lies and many will still follow them. Howbeit, this falsehood will be set at its maximum capacity during the Tribulation with the rising of the FINAL False PROPHET! I could list hundreds of verses on this topic but here are just a few. The apostasy and falsehoods will get worse and worse until Jesus raptures His bride . What does God say… Ezekiel Chap...

11/01/2022 Maybe Today

This is my personal opinion expressed in this "Maybe Today". I cannot back up my theory with anything found in the Bible but one part in Revelation but I can hopefully make it make sense to anyone who is reading this blog. It's a place and if thought of often, anxiety can fester. It's a place where fear and dread will walk with you if you dwell on the future for too long.  Questions we all have asked at some point in our lives regarding our futures! Should I date him?  Am I going to get married?  Will I have kids?  What kind of job will I have when I graduate?  Will I have enough money to retire?  What if I cannot pay my bills?  What if I lose my job? How will I afford this increase in my rent, mortgage, bills, food?  Will my 401k help me?  How do I plan for retirement? Will I get divorced? What happens when you die? The long list of questions can debilitate you. I have never been one to wonder out "too far" from my present existence...

10-03-2022 - Maybe Today

Hello! It has been a LONG time, 3 months since my last "Maybe Today". I was transitioning jobs and also focusing more on the podcast and other personal issues.  I was prompted to write today and discuss false teachers and why the growth spurt seems to be happening all around us. It seems like we hear everyday of someone new shaming the name of Christ or spewing more false doctrine!  Just recently, Matt Chandler comes to mind. I could say a lot more on him and other Calvinists but that is for another time.  Those who follow the ticking clock of the times we live in, know what  1 Timothy 4:1-3  says. However, Jude 17-18 gives us more insight by saying,   But you, beloved, ought to remember the words that were spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they were saying to you, "In the last time there will be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts .  These are the SAME enemies which have entered the church and  2 ...

06.30.22 maybe Today

  Israel  is God's TIMEPIECE and that is where our focus needs to be. Have you witnessed  🗣  or tried to  witness  🗣  to anyone from Israel ? It's challenging, yet rewarding when they listen and do not dismiss what you say. Time is running ⌛out and God's focus is soon to be solely on  Israel  and the PROMISES He made to them. In Dr. Ice’s article, God's Purpose for  Israel  During the Tribulation , he said,  “ One of the major Divine purposes for the tribulation in relation to  Israel  is the conversion of the Jewish remnant to faith in Jesus as their Messiah . This will take place throughout the tribulation, but by the end of the seven-year period the entire number of the elect remnant will become converted to Jesus. That number is likely a third of the Jewish people as noted in Zechariah 13: 9. And I will bring the third part through the fire, refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested....

06.28.22 - Maybe Today

  This world is getting darker! However, this blog today will make it seem lighter !  Jesus IS the LIGHT of the world and we are that city on a hill that CAN NOT be hidden. Do not hide from the lost world today because Maybe Today , we will  hear the sound  and the voice of Jesus saying, " COME UP HERE !" The passage I would like to use today for encouragement is from  Psalm chapter 71 verses 1-3 . In You, O Lord, I have taken refuge; Refuge means, "a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble. Yes, cows are dying,  shortages are coming,  evil is ensuing at an alarming rate, gas is skyrocketing, inflation is crippling, BUT have YOU truly taken REFUGE in the Lord? I am safe and sheltered when I take refuge in Him. I do not worry or fear. I may be the dumbest person on earth for being ill-prepared or maybe the smartest for my whole reliance on my God, my REFUGE. Why would God say this if He didn't mean it? Do not let these...