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11/01/2022 Maybe Today

This is my personal opinion expressed in this "Maybe Today". I cannot back up my theory with anything found in the Bible but one part in Revelation but I can hopefully make it make sense to anyone who is reading this blog.

It's a place and if thought of often, anxiety can fester. It's a place where fear and dread will walk with you if you dwell on the future for too long. 

Questions we all have asked at some point in our lives regarding our futures!

  • Should I date him? 
  • Am I going to get married? 
  • Will I have kids? 
  • What kind of job will I have when I graduate? 
  • Will I have enough money to retire? 
  • What if I cannot pay my bills? 
  • What if I lose my job?
  • How will I afford this increase in my rent, mortgage, bills, food? 
  • Will my 401k help me? 
  • How do I plan for retirement?
  • Will I get divorced?
  • What happens when you die?
The long list of questions can debilitate you. I have never been one to wonder out "too far" from my present existence because I would be fearful, anxious and full of dread. I trust the Lord for my daily bread. Even when I do not see the ingredients to make the bread, I still trust Him.

Since we live in this world, we tend to worry about the future. 

Does the Bible contradict what I am saying and should we look into our future? 


In the Bible, future events are given to us in relation to the KingdomThe Bible does not tell us to look into our personal future lives and ask these questions. Not bad questions to ask but it will turn bad if you dwell on things you truly have no control over. That is correct, YOU, yes you, have ZERO control. God is the author of life and He knows what that future of ours will look like.  

The Bible does give us a future to look forward to. Many say that Bible prophecy is not to scare you but to prepare you. If you read anything in the Bible pertaining to future events and you get scared, I'd sit back and ask the Lord why.

In the future, these events will happen:
(Listed in Chronically Oder)
  • The Rapture of the Church;
  • The rise of the Antichrist who will broker a seven-year peace treaty with Israel; 
  • At the signing of that treaty, the Tribulation begins;
  • The world's most cataclysmic events will occur. Including but not limited to demonic happenings. 
(See Revelation Chapters 6-19 for full details) 
  • In the middle of the seven-year tribulation, the Antichrist breaks his treaty and not only comes against Israel but uses the False Prophet to kill all the Christians alive at that time. 
  • After the seven years have ended, Christ comes down from heaven and with the word from His mouth, slays them all.
  • Then there is a separation of sheep and goats. That is not the Great White Throne Judgment (GWTJ) but those who are alive at the end of Tribulation. Christ will take those two groups and one group goes into the millennial kingdom, Christ's 1,000-year reign on the throne of David in Jerusalem, and the other group, well, you are cast into hell.
  • After those 1,000 years have ended, Satan is let loose for a short time (no one knows how long) and then he is cast into the Lake of Fire and then the GWTJ begins.
  • After this Judgment, there will be a NEW heaven, a NEW earth and a NEW Jerusalem. This is called the eternal state.

There was a very quick breakdown.

Now the point of my Maybe Today.

We are most certainly seeing "
signs" for what we read about in Matthew 24, Mark13, Luke 21 and Revelation. Signs of wars, famine, food and gas shortages, inflation, global agendas, digital technology, false signs and wonders (UFO's and Aliens) false teachers (antichrists) and so much more. However, let me ask you this question.

If we are seeing all these signs and if we see the "Tribulation" signs coming full speed ahead and it does become the "normal", how would anyone be captivated by the Antichrist and the False Prophet? How would anyone be surprised if we are already "living it"?

Now, I could be way off, ignorant and just turning a blind eye however, I just don't feel that. Signs are one thing but a system in place like the Antichrist's system is not going to happen while we are still here. 

Scripture tells me as clear as a shiny new mirror, the FIRST half of the Tribulation is a pseudo peace. The Antichrist won't come on the platform of tyranny but of unity. 

I really do not care about the WEF, the WHO, Davos, Agenda 2030 and all the rest. They truly mean nothing right now but will be something when I am LONG gone and  celebrating in heaven. 

This is why I do not discuss this often but more on the spiritual deception. That is the ONE topic we need to be discussing! A lot! 

Our pulpits are silent to the very cancer that will spread in the FIRST half of the Tribulation. Warning of what is to come in the SECOND half to me is just commonplace. 

It's commonplace because the SECOND half of the Tribulation is GLOBAL. The FIRST half is unified by the same core beliefs that "Oh my, where did the millions go" and we all need "a god" to intervene. I purposefully did not use "god" as God. This god in the Tribulation is anything but our God! Our God will show up, of course, but so will His wrath.

I propose my question again. 

If we are seeing all these signs and if we see the "Tribulation" signs coming full speed ahead and it does become the "normal", how would anyone be captivated by the Antichrist and the False Prophet? How would anyone be surprised if we are already "living it"?

Let us remember what the Bible says. I understand we get excited and cannot wait to be home with the Lord, however, let's warn about the falsehoods in our churches. The false teachers and tares who destroy the very fabric of what Jesus built. Jesus is knocking on the door and many churches are making Him sick. Christ is not welcomed in those churches and this is what we need to talk about. 

Why do we not call this out? Yet we will shout from the pulpits and podcasts about the "signs" yet the biggest sign we ignore.

If we are seeing all these signs and if we see the "Tribulation" signs coming full speed ahead and it does become the "normal", how would anyone be captivated by the Antichrist and the False Prophet? How would anyone be surprised if we are already "living it"?

If you are left behind, I pray that you are NOT deceived by the False Prophet who the Antichrist uses to catapult his fame! 

The REAL body of Christ will depart this earth and my only hope is you will remember this crazy Christians blog and fall upon your face and repent.

Maybe Today Brethren, Maybe Today!


  1. Anonymous1.11.22

    Thank you Kym. Yes, I also believe that the rapture could occur at any time. We Know that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself and he has committed unto us the word (Gospel) of reconciliation. Everything in scripture dovetails in and out of one's understanding of the clear gospel of grace. People are constantly looking for signs and many of them can't give out a clear gospel. Faith alone in the finished work of Christ alone on Calvary's cross brings the whosoever into an eternal relationship with our heavenly Father. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God But all may be justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. The wages of our sin is death (eternal separation from God) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and rapture ready. Our future is as bright as the promises of God. And God can not lie.

  2. stephen brown5.11.22

    I maybe wrong on this point but in my understanding, those passages that mentions That Generation, Jesus was addressing Hebrew people Israel, not the Church as such. I believe He (Jesus) is referring to the people in the tribulation period itself, as "that Generation". Then again I could be wrong.


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