Friday the 13th. A day that so many tap into their superstitious minds and feed into the hype. I want us to reflect on something different today. In the beginning, Light was with God. Meaning, from the very beginning, Jesus was.
Jesus was not created or when born, than became divine. Jesus was always and will always be the Son of God.
Jesus said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." He did not mince His words.
This world is dark. I think believer or unbeliever can see that. There is a LONG list of what is happening, and at a rapid pace, but no need to list them all out here today. I think you already know.
Today's encouragement is found in 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NASB '95 ed.). It says,
"For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."
What does that verse mean exactly.
I will break it down because in that verse, lies our hope and faith!
God, the creator of the universe created the "light" we see today. He created the sun🌞, moon🌛 and stars🌃. However, there would be a Light to come that would cast away all darkness. That Light is Jesus. He came to take away the sins of the world. Jesus did not come for the following:
- He did not come to prosper you
- He did not come to heal you
- He did not come to take away your worries, fears and anxiety
- He did not come to remove you from sex traffickers
- He did not come to make a way when there is no way
- He did not come to...fill in the blanks
He came to TAKE AWAY THE SINS of the world. AFTER the ONE who has shone in our hearts, and we come to the saving knowledge of Christ, that is when the above may happen. Even than, there are no guarantees.
There will always be trials in our lives. Today on Friday the 13th, some call it "bad luck". There is no bad luck for the believers. There are only trials and tribulations. God uses these situations to draw us closer to Him.
I want to quote from a website regarding part of this passage.
"The gospel team (Paul's team) propagated the gospel to the lost. They gave the light of the gospel in Christ. The light is more than mental enlightenment; it is an act of regeneration. The “light” is the essence of knowing something particular—“the knowledge of the glory of God.” Christians are beacons of light in the world of cosmic spiritual darkness; they are not the Light. The medium of Light is the believer. The light within of necessity must shine out. People cannot give what they do not have."
Today, many are in a spiritual darkness and the only way to show them the Light is to be light. To be the salt of the earth.
Time is running out dear believer. Let us make our light shine as if that trumpet, which it can, will sound off today. Maybe there is someone who you just hadn't tried to talk to yet. Make it a point today.
Saints, maybe today.
As the world waxes worse and worse, we, as followers of Christ, know how close we are to seeing the Light of the world in the air calling us home!
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