REMEMBER: Bad things always BEGIN with DECEPTION!!
📖2 Thessalonians 2:3,7-12📖
Let no one in any way DECEIVE you, for it will not come unless the apostasy (((some say 🎺☁️Rapture🎺☁️; some say the godless ⛪church⛪))) comes first,
and the man of lawlessness (((🦸♂️The Antichrist🦸♂️))) is revealed, the son of destruction...,
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains (((The Holy Spirit))) will do so until he is taken out (((a picture of the church who will be 🎺☁️raptured🎺☁️. Therefore, the AC cannot rise until the CHURCH is gone!!))) of the way.
Then that lawless one (((🦸♂️THE AC🦸♂️))) will be revealed whom the 🤴Lord🤴 will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming (((foretelling Christ's SECOND coming; NOT the same as the rapture)));
that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of 👿Satan👿, with all power and 🤯😲signs and false wonders🤯😲 (((False RELIGION all those Charismatic/NAR/IHOP. Azusa Street, Revivalists etc. we see today on the RISE))), and with ALL the 😈deception😈 of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.
For this REASON God will send upon them a DELUDING INFLUENCE so that they will BELIEVE what is false, in order that they all may be 🔥judged🔥 who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.
There is ONLY so much 🚨⚠️warning⚠️ 🚨that I can do!!
I try so hard to make sure I do this because when I am 🎺☁️raptured🎺☁️, a STRONG delusion will fall and I hope you do not fall into that!
I firmly believe once you are deluded here, there is not turning back!!
The ✝️bible✝️ foretold MANY GRAVE things to take place in the future. I know you can SEE it too.
That future is set because we are seeing:
a rise in false religions; 🕌🕋🕍⛩️🕯️☯️🕉️📿☸️
a rise in global governance;
a rise in global governance;
a rise in food shortages; 🥫🍲🥩🥪🥓
a rise in inflation;💸
a rise in biometrics and technology to institute the mark of the Beast;
a rise in stories being spun and social media and the news blocking any truth tellers;
and a rise in lawlessness, perversion and debauchery like never before.
Saints, Maybe Today!!
However, until we hear the 🎺☁️trumpet🎺☁️ and the call of 🤴Christ🤴calling us home, let's get out there and witness like never before!! The LOST needs to 👂hear👂!!
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