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Proverbs Week: Proverbs 6:16-19

Proverbs Week:

Do you remember the movie, Seven? The film starred Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, and Kevin Spacey. It's about a detective who joins a soon-to-be retiring detective in tracking down a serial killer who is using the seven deadly sins found in the "Bible", as his reasoning for the murders. 

A few things in this movie were a miss. These sins are listed nowhere in the bible as they are portrayed. This was created by Pope Gregory around 600 AD. 

Here is what the bible actually says about Seven things that the Lord detests. 

Wow, thank the Lord He doesn’t behave in such manners as Kevin Spacey did towards us when we fall into any of these deadly sins. 

One thing about this passage, what is listed here are not the only things the Lord detests. Charles Ryrie explains. 

the list, though specific, is not exhaustive

Many people today want to say they do not sin because they do not fit in this passage. Well let us examine the seven deadly sins, shall we? 

Proverbs 6:16-19

"The Lord hates six things;
in fact, seven are detestable to him:
arrogant eyes, a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that plots wicked schemes,
feet eager to run to evil,
a lying witness who gives false testimony,
and one who stirs up trouble among brothers"

Arrogant eyes - also mean to look pridefully or have haughty eyes. When someone has a prideful heart, you can see that in their mannerisms and also how they look at people. Pride as you know can be many things. 

Thinking that you know more than other people.
Pride of power.
Spiritual pride. Where your glory in your spiritual achievements. 

A lying tongue – every day lying. A habitual liar is someone who practices this in their daily conversations. To slander someone's character. People do this out of jealousy, pride, or simply just pure evil intent of their hearts.


Hands that shed innocent blood – a lot comes to mind on this one. What about you? What do you think when you read this? Thou Shall NOT kill. Yes, that means abortion.

A heart that plots wicked schemes – I am reflected on Jeremiah 17:9. I get vexed when people think our hearts are good. Jeremiah says differently. The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) says it like this,
The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable—who can understand it?
Man’s heart, without Jesus, is continually wicked, I feel like this is all around us today. Some people design and manufacture wickedness. I think we are seeing a very big wicked scheme taking place today. One day, here soon I hope God is going to put an end to all of these wicked schemes. 

Feet eager to run to evil – This correlates to a “heart that plots”. Greedy and unrestrained people fit in this verse. Again, lawlessness, unrestrained evil schemers who do everything against God.

A lying witness who gives false testimony – This is not the same as a lying tongue we just read. however, lying is mentioned twice here in this passage. lying means something to god, right? 

This 6th deadly sin is referring to false accusations. Judging incorrectly. Giving a false statement in court. Yes, God knew this would happen.

And finally, one who stirs up trouble among brothers – There are two camps regarding this passage. Some say it’s only dealing with the church and others say this is for your family or friends. Regardless, we can all do a better job. Myself included. I grow in this daily. However, do not think this verse means we can not call out falsehood. This is not the same. That is good wholesome biblical stirring that is needed at times.

The bottom line, no one is perfect and we all fall short of God’s standard every day. Let us not sit on our self-righteous thrones and proclaim how wonderful we are. Instead let us continue to reach the lost, hurting, and broken and continue to sanctify ourselves in our walks with Jesus.


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