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05.17.22 Maybe Today


1 Corinthians 2:14

"But a natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned."

blog today may upset some, yet it is straight TRUTH from God’s word. If you want to understand🤔 some things you may have said or done, keep reading. You may find TRUTH in the precious word of God!

What is discernment? 

Is it a psychic ability to know who is saved or not? Is it hearing from God audibly while taking a walk? Is it just flippantly opening the bible and are like, oh my, yes God that was the verse for me. I can do all things through you! You will part the Red Sea? Is it the ability to know what is true or false?

Ding🔔 Ding 🔔Ding🔔….it’s the latter.

It is knowing how to judge truth from what is false. 

The word “discerned” is the word “judged”. The TRUE believer has the ability to judge or discern because we have our teacher, the Holy Spirit.

We will see today how the
spiritually dead do not have the capacity to make judgments about the Word of God because they are spiritually dead. The harsh reality is, many “professing Christians” are really spiritually dead. (this is a term I will use throughout this blog)

Do you ever engage on Facebook or in the real world with someone who lacks discernment? You go round and round and the key component is, they never want to listen and will argue their falsehood right into hell? 

According to God’s word, they are spiritually dead. Yes, not saved!

This same person says, “they can’t understand the Bible” or they may also say, “it’s hard for me to read the Bible”. From this 
spiritually dead camp, we hear and see them defending these “faith based” movies or shows. We also see a lot of them defending our main stream “Christian” music today.

I always felt like I was on an island all by myself. A Berean (Acts 17). One who prays for the Lord of Heaven to help me discern. To judge with a righteous heart and most of all, expose the falsehoods around us just as we read about in the bible.

I found this amazing group online LHB – Last Hour Bereans. I found like-minded Bereans radical about truth in this 
spiritually dead world🌎 we live in today. Precious brothers and sister who, like me, have podcasts and blogs. Please head over to their Facebook group Last Hour Bereans and make sure to sign up on their Rumble and YouTube channel.

Currently, if you follow my podcast, Lifeclips, I am doing a deep dive into the most terrible, blasphemous, ungodly show called The Chosen

Yet, this show is defended amongst the spiritually dead, proclaiming we are not to judge and Dallas was called of God!

Yikes!! I posted, in the beginning the verse in 1 Corinthians. Why?

Re-read that passage and reflect on those who you engage with. Only the 
spiritually dead would cry out in such rage when you expose what they deem as godly.

Take The Chosen off the table. 

Comment below 

and tell me who has berated you for exposing their favorite music, show, movie or “pastor”. What happened? What was the reaction of the spiritually dead?

I see this happening everywhere today. We see many 
spiritually dead professing to be believers. They are adhering to a foolishness of “this is from God”. Yet in reality, it is not. I do not believe in easy-believe-ism. I believe it’s through FAITH alone but anyone can “believe”. The question we need to ask is what Jesus do they believe in exactly? Are they spiritually re-born? Born Again as Jesus said in John Ch. three.

2 Corinthians Ch. 2 Vv. 11-16 explains why the 
spiritually dead defend all their falsehoods right into hell!

It says, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his (((referring to Satan))) ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. I say again, let no man think me a fool; if otherwise, yet as a fool receive me, that I may boast myself a little."

Yes, you read that correctly. 🤯Satan is an angel of light. 👼So good at this disguise, you may be following someone who is not called of God but is a minister of Satan himself. Greg Locke comes to mind as well as Billy Graham, yes, I said it!!

Read that passage again and tell me if we do not have “🔥ministers of righteousness
🔥” at our pulpits today that we deem as godly men yet they are spiritually dead!!

This is where 1 Corinthians 2:14 is such an eye opener. The 
spiritually dead will not discern. Why?

The Holy Spirit is not their teacher.

The Holy Spirit will help guide and teach the believer in all truth!

That is why I said, many times, during my exposing The Chosen, you cannot, as a follower of Christ, with your Bible open, watch📺 The Chosen and say, “wow, yes indeed this is from God”. If one is not 
spiritually dead, you will see it’s of the great deceiver himself, the angel of light, Satan!

Now ask yourself. Why does your Pastor allow it in his church? I would take time to discuss many falsehoods surrounding the show with him and allow him time to research and process it. If he doesn’t change his ways, leave the church. He is not discerning and therefore should not be shepherding anyone. Yes, I said that too!

spiritually dead have been arguing with the born again for a long time now. They have no business doing this. Why?

Paul, at the end of 2 Corinthians Ch. 11 V. 16, he said “I say again, let no man think me a fool; if otherwise, yet as a fool receive me, that I may boast myself a little.” 

Paul also says in 1 Corinthians Ch. 2 V. 15 “But the one who is spiritual discerns all things, yet he himself is discerned by no one.” 

This simply means, the believer will discern (judge) all things. The kicker to this verse? The spiritually dead cannot discern (judge) you because they do not understand what you know to be truth!

Use this verse every time they try and call you out!! Notice no one argues the word of God! 

Does this concern you when you engage with the so-called believers on Facebook or even in your personal lives? How can one, who claims to be a believer never be open to truth.

I tell this story often to prove my point. Several years ago, I went to Seattle to visit some friends. One of which was Pastor Derek. He is a long life family friend, his dad was my Pastor in New York. Derek while on my trip, told me about Joyce Meyers. Keep in mind, it came up because I told him I listened to her book, “Battlefield of the Mind”, while flying out there. He told me all about her and what the Word of Faith movement really was. He cautioned me to not listen to her and he mentioned others as well. Keep in mind, two big churches were in Derek’s area at that time. Before his fall, Mark Driscoll’s Mars Hill’s church and Judah Smith’s City Church. Judah is still there. He is Justin Bieber’s “pastor” along with the now fallen Carl Lentz.

Did I tell Derek to pull the car over and let me out? Did I yell or berate him? Did I tell him, “Derek, how dare you judge? That is a godly woman”. Did I tell Derek to repent for he was of his father the devil? 

Um, NO!!

I listened to a Pastor who was rightfully discerning the falsehood of Joyce. I threw the book on audio away and from that day forward, nine (9) years to be exact, I have exposed, not only Joyce, but many others who the 
spiritually dead deem to be a “powerhouse for God”!

Thank you, Derek. God used you to bolden my walk in all TRUTH!!

Do you see the difference in that engagement of exposing who I liked at the time and the
spiritually deads responses today?

I was 
not spiritually dead when Derek talked to me, I was just led astray and God used Derek to convict and show me the TRUTH!!

That is what we all should do. Be bold like Derek even if it offends! The Bible offends! As it should!!

My concern are the ones who do not listen.

The spiritually dead will rage and defend endlessly.

The TRUE believer, who is mislead, will be convicted and begin to expose the falsehoods themselves. See how God works?

spiritually dead will behave in erratic manners and misquote every bible verse trying to prove you need to “repent” and then they tell you to “get behind them, because you are Satan!” Funny how they call us demonic yet, that is what they are because they serve their father of lies, the devil himself. Unknowingly or knowingly. They are spiritually dead.

I feel that is how we need to refer to them in our posts/comments/replies. We need to call them as they are, 
spiritually dead. Why?

spiritually dead  do not receive the things of the Spirit of God. They do not have the ability to relate to God. They may seem to be a moral or righteous person, but inwardly they are spiritually dead. Therefore they are dead to God. They cannot comprehend God’s Word because the Holy Spirit is not in them.

spiritually dead live only for themselves. Narcissism is at the forefront. It begins and ends with their material worlds and why is this?

We read this in Romans Ch. 8 V. 7, “Because the carnal mind is enmity (the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something) against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.”

If you are 
spiritually dead, may you understand your depraved state today (Romans 3:23). Knowing you need a Savior and that Savior came over 2,000 years ago. He took upon Himself YOUR sin and shame and nailed it to HIS cross (1 Peter 2:24). Took such a beating that His Holy face was unrecognizable as a human. (Isaiah 52:14)

Will you realize today, that without understanding your need for a Savior, you will be 
spiritually dead and spend eternity separated from God where there WILL be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Luke 13:28, Matt. 13:42, Rev 21:8, Ps 9:17)

I keep saying Maybe Today because one day, we will leave this earth and dwell in heaven. I keep saying Maybe Today because when you are left behind, maybe you will finally be re-born and come to Christ.

Today is the day of salvation!! We are NOT promised tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous18.5.22

    Love love love this blog !!!!

  2. Pam Pittman20.12.22

    Thank you Kym, I am really enjoying your blog and interviews. I found you by following Pete Garcia, of course but also liked your interview with Tom Hughes. You have a great, insightful way of leading that always gets to the answer to my questions.
    I can’t remember the name of the lady you interviewed who was a JW then a witch, but I was really amazed at how much we have in common (I started out Morman) and how God, knowing we belong to him, keeps His hand on us and protects us from going to far or allowing us to get too lost. He just knows what it will take to open our eyes to His glorious presence.
    On a side note, I spent my career as finance manager (and member) in a very large church near your school in Ocala. After retiring I moved to Inverness. Small world 😁 I love what you are doing and look forward to seeing more
    Merry Christmas!


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