Proverbs Week I love the stark con trast between the wise/righteous and the foolish/wicked in this Proverb. This is the PER FECT Proverb that shines a big light on why we are seeing what we are seeing in our culture today. Which part of this Proverb are you? I am using the New English Translation (NET). Proverbs Chapter 12 The one who loves 💓discipline loves 💓 knowledge, but the one who hates 😠reproof (reprimand, reproach, condemnation) is stupid. In today's culture, we see 👀people hating to be reprimanded or "judged" based off of how they live. Proverbs is so relevant for today, would you agree? I hope you stick with me and we seek to understand why these con trasts are so important. It allows us to really dive into the fallen behavior of many and have a better understanding of why the lost are the way that they are. The lost are NEVER to far from God's reach!! WE must all remember that! A good person ...