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Showing posts from November, 2022

11/30/22 - Maybe Today

If God dealt with false teachers and false prophets like He did in the Old Testament, this nonsense would not continue to grow and fester like a canker sore.  As you all know, I do not write daily only when I feel a nudge from the Holy Spirit to do so.  Today I want GOD to speak.  May you understand one very important thing. God called them a "prophet" in Scriptures, however, it's by title only and most are NOT sent from God.  Not only in our current day, but since times past, and extending into the future, this false  title will continue to be used for them. They will continue to peddle their lies and many will still follow them. Howbeit, this falsehood will be set at its maximum capacity during the Tribulation with the rising of the FINAL False PROPHET! I could list hundreds of verses on this topic but here are just a few. The apostasy and falsehoods will get worse and worse until Jesus raptures His bride . What does God say… Ezekiel Chap...

11/01/2022 Maybe Today

This is my personal opinion expressed in this "Maybe Today". I cannot back up my theory with anything found in the Bible but one part in Revelation but I can hopefully make it make sense to anyone who is reading this blog. It's a place and if thought of often, anxiety can fester. It's a place where fear and dread will walk with you if you dwell on the future for too long.  Questions we all have asked at some point in our lives regarding our futures! Should I date him?  Am I going to get married?  Will I have kids?  What kind of job will I have when I graduate?  Will I have enough money to retire?  What if I cannot pay my bills?  What if I lose my job? How will I afford this increase in my rent, mortgage, bills, food?  Will my 401k help me?  How do I plan for retirement? Will I get divorced? What happens when you die? The long list of questions can debilitate you. I have never been one to wonder out "too far" from my present existence...