Hello again!! I took some time off because my life is just way too busy to blog daily! I may jump on the blogging again but not as a daily practice. Just whenever the Holy Spirit leads, like now. What is Faith ? What is BELIEF ? I was reading this morning in Exodus Chapter 6 and in verses 2 and 3, from the NASB (1995 edition) it says, God spoke further to Moses and said to him, “I am the Lord ; and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name, Lo rd , I did not make Myself known to them." Simply put, this proves FAITH is all you need when you BELIEVE . Three men followed in FAITH ! Belief and faith go hand in hand! Instead of signs and wonders and God showing up in some "glory cloud" or gold dust or through some false "prophet", be like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and KNOW JESUS is real just by following! Jesus never visited me to show me He is...